Areeb ur Rub
Areeb ur Rub

Hi I am Areeb ur Rub

Full Stack Developer and
Graphic Designer

Passionate web developer and graphic designer learning web3 with Solidity. Passionate about creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences and bringing visual designs to life.

About Me

I am a Computer
Science Undergrad

I am passionate about learning and leveraging technology. I have honed my skills in creating websites and applications using React, Next JS, Flask, and Tailwind CSS. Currently, I'm delving into the exciting realms of web3 and Solidity for decentralized app development, while also nurturing my interests in machine learning and Android.

Areeb ur Rub

Passionate web developer and graphic designer learning web3 with Solidity. Passionate about creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences and bringing visual designs to life.

© 2024 Areeb ur Rub Portfolio. All Rights Reserved.Built with NextJs and TailwindCSS, Code on  Github .